Often, banking innovation boils down to the what: What is the future of retail banking? What will happen as payments evolve? What are the keys to a bank innovation strategy? In truth, the “who” of banking innovation might matter more. People, more than ideas, are the drivers of innovation, implementation, and strategic force. For this feature, Bank Innovation has taken a long, hard look at the who of banking innovation to unveil our first-ever list of Innovators to Watch. These 44 innovators come from a wide cross-section of the industry — there are both bankers and entrepreneurs, both senior executives and newbies, both those who you may know and those whom you have never heard of. We believe that innovation in the financial services industry is driven not by the top dogs or the most senior executives, but by people who have dynamism, who look at banking innovation as anything but an oxymoron, for whom banking is not a staid industry, but a vibrant opportunity yet to be fully realized. These are the 44 banking innovators who will shape the industry’s tomorrow. ________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Joshua Greenough, senior director of technology innovation, Capital One Labs Don’t call him a banker — Greenough was [...]